SNAPSHOTS 2015-2016 |
Cambridge Study Tour 2016
Take a look at the fruitful learning journey of our sixth Cambridge Study Tour (31 Jul - 13 Aug 2016)
Drama Fiesta 2016
Our annual Drama Show "Drama Fiesta" was successfully held in our school hall on 28 June 2016.
YWPS Spelling Bee Competition 2016
Here are the snapshots of the Finals of this year's Spelling Bee Contest held on 24 June 2016, English Room.
A visit to Hotel ICON & School of Hotel and Tourism Management, PolyU
28 boys were selected to visit Hotel ICON and PolyU's School of Hotel and Tourism Management on 10 Mar 2016.
Drama Festival 23 Feb 2016
Our spirited Drama Team energized the play "Why Can't you Do It Yourself?" on stage for this year's Drama Festival.
Speech Gala Grand Finals 2016 - 15 Feb 2016
Who says boys are too shy to perform in English? Our Speech Gala proves that our boys are impressive and confident performers year after year!
Friendly Debating Match: YWPS vs Pun U Association Wah Yan Primary School
26 Jan 2016 proved to be an exciting day for a debate. Excellent learning opportunities for English learners!
The Sunday Smile
See our junior boys enjoying a recording session at the RTHK for 'The Sunday Smile" programme!
Warming up for Magic - P.5 Pre-show for "Merlin the Magician"
Before going for the magical show "Merlin the Magician" in October, the P.5 had a warm-up pre-show to ready them on 18 Sept!
Drama Session with Mary Ann Tear - A Master Class
Our English teachers had an advanced drama workshop with Ms Mary Ann Tear on 21 Sept.