A group of nine, including Parliamentary Delegates from the UK, representatives of the Education Bureau and the Information Services Department, visited our school this morning (12 Apr). Although it was a brief visit of around one hour, they were still hugely impressed by our string orchestra and drum team’s performances, as well as the bits and pieces they heard and saw from our Junior Choir and English Drama Team. |
As a student ambassador myself (I had the honour to take care of the group’s leader Sir Clifton-Brown!), I’m glad to say that it is a great experience and it will definitely stay with me throughout my whole life. Hope all the delegates and representatives enjoyed their visit. And...a big thank-you to our headmistress, supervisor, and to all the teachers and students who took part in welcoming the guests today!
Vincent Song 6C
Student Ambassador
P.S. Don't miss out the photo tour of the event at https://goo.gl/7ZqqZo