This year marks the first time that our school has entered into a Hong Kong-wide debating competition and it is also the first time our school has hosted the semi-finals.
In the debate, the team - Ronney Chang (6D), Alfie Zhu (6E) and Keith Kwok (6D) - had the task of debating against the motion “that Hong Kong is a good place for children to live”. Both adjudicators were impressed with the delivery of all debaters' speeches and awarded the match to YWPS by a slim margin. Alfie was also named the Best Debater of the match.
Our team will face Hong Kong Taoist Association Wun Tsun Primary School in the finals of the Competition. It will be held at the City University of Hong Kong on Wednesday 20 May 2015.
Please help us to wish our English debating team every success in the upcoming finals!
Mr Thomas Ching
p.s. see our gallery for snapshots of the match!