With guest adjudicator Dr Gary Harfitt's return to co-adjudicate the event with Headmistress Mrs Lam, our young performers gave everything they had to impress our judges and the highly responsive audience. The materials were good, the delivery was good, the judges were good, the atmosphere was fantastic, and certainly, the training processes with the different English teachers of the performers were done so well for these finals. What's not good then? It's that it could only be held once every year!
To me, the event shows that boys love English as well and literature does matter to us primary school children! There were no losers today, only that some won bigger and smaller. Everybody could take home with something precious after seeing the performances today. I have to thank all the teachers in my team who have helped to choose the finalists and offered them advice and training before the Finals. I have to thank our adjudicators Dr Harfitt and Mrs Lam for their professional involvement. I have to thank all the boys who tried their very best in this contest to demonstrate their passion and learning. I have to thank YWPS for making a difference to our children time after time.
Now that the Chinese New Year is coming, I wish you all a fruitful and healthy festival with all your loved ones. Kung Hei Fat Choi!!!
Dr H C Lee
Panel Chair
p.s. See our gallery for the captured excitement of the Speech Gala 2015!