Our captains were divided into 4 small groups each led by a Law Ting Pong Story Pilot. Interactions were rigorous and one of the teams even finished 4 books in the short session (and they seemed not to have had enough)!
Story Pilots from Law Ting Pong came to us last year to show us how shared reading could be done. Since then, the English Department of YWPS has established our own team of pilots. We owe this meaningful activity to Law Ting Pong Secondary School. And today, we are even more thankful that these amazing secondary story pilots came again to share stories with our boys again! I just loved the reading environment we built together.
Thanks to Mrs Paul and Ms Jenny Ho for arranging English activities as meaningful as such for our boys. In the near future, we will surely see more sharing of our English Captains as Story Pilots.
Dr H C Lee
P.S. Check out our gallery for more photos!