Team "I'm a Hero" was heavily praised in terms of their ability to manage a complex act, their strong concentration in acting, and the professional stance of particularly the extra performers at the background. Team "Emotions" was also appreciated for their bold central concept of exploring the relationship between students and teacher in the most entertaining manner.
This is our second consecutive year joining Thematic Group Speaking in the Speech Festival and for both years we received the top and third spots. We sincerely thank our drama team members in participating in all of our rehearsals amidst their very tight schedules. This is not only a game for our boys, it is also an interestingly difficult literary task for the coaches as they have to put together a sensible thematic programme for each group and train them to perform at such a high level.
Once again, I am very glad to have witnessed all these magical moments and be able to see the growth of our children in terms of language arts.
Though the Speech Festival is coming to an end, I feel that our tradition of having thematic groups in speaking is just a beginning, and we cannot ask for a better one.
Dr H C Lee
Panel Chair