I was very happy to be invited for the third time to adjudicate the Ying Wa Primary School boys' Speech Gala.
It was also a memorable occasion as this will be the last Speech Gala Mrs Maria Lam will participate as Headmistress prior to her retirement in August 2019. Mrs Lam has given her full support throughout, without which the Speech Gala would not have gone through nine years of continued success.
As a co-founder of the Speech Gala with Dr Peter Lee, l have seen great and better changes in the number of entries, categories and quality of the students’ work.
They have shown very active involvement and many have truly mastered the skills of elocution and public speaking. So much so, that l had to award a double first (never done before) to the P.6 Solo Verse Speaking. The two boys, Andy and Hanson, were absolutely brilliant and as they spoke, l was completely immersed in their passion and intensity. I have not heard such a beautiful, passionate and emotional rendition of “A Stingray is Dying at Waratah Bay” before. Both were different, but both brought special meaning to this very topical and humane poem. Both definitely deserved a First Prize!
I wish the Speech Gala continued success and hope this wonderful culture of speech, drama and public speaking will continue for a very long time.