CONGRATULATIONS to Mars, Jayden and Felix, coming first, second and third in our poll for the people's favourite one-min water-themed videos. All these shortlisted videos are great but viewers may have their different preferences. Did you pick the winning videos?
Interestingly, the first two places go to videos which talk about the same thing – a magical pen which can draw things that come to life in the water! I wonder where I can get one! The third place goes to a magic act with a glass of water which we all can learn and do! Good work! Thanks to all of you who have watched the videos and voted. Be creative, flexible and wonderful, like water! We'll play this game again soon! Stay tuned! Dr H C Lee |
Hello to all! Here is a fun poll for you during our prolonged holiday – the 15 newly shortlisted 1-min water-themed videos from our creative P.6 boys are now waiting for your votes! Please enjoy them all, login to e-class, go to the survey section and then vote for you favourite one(s).
The voting begins now till 21 Feb (Friday). The top 3 videos will be celebrated! Have fun viewing and stay healthy! ^o^ |
May 2024
English NewsWe'll update you on our thoughts and activities! Visit us often! Categories |